Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This document explains how Colm Branigan T/A Advanced Driving Ireland uses information about you which is personally identifiable (“Your Information”) when you use any of our websites whether you are a learner driver, driving instructor, advanced driving client or visitor.

If you have any queries about how we use your information or have a complaint, please contact us at

General Data Protection Regulations

Where personal information is provided by you when requesting information of one of our products, that information will be held in accordance with the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Contact Tracing

If requested by Public Health Authorities, your contact information, (name and contact number), may be shared by us with the National COVID-19 Contact Tracing Programme.

Why do we need to obtain personal information about you?

Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of our organisation.

To allow us to recognise what products you have purchased or enquired to, we need to be able to identify you. We do this with your personal information.

Where this data is collected, it will only be used in the lawful context of provide the services to which you have enquired or purchased, namely in the delivery of driving lessons, pretest driving lessons, advanced driving lessons and driving instructor training courses.

What information do you collect?

We will collect the following:

Name (first and surname), Email Address, Telephone Number, Company Name (optional), Location.

What will you do with this information?

Your information will only be used in line with the GDPR guidelines. We only collect information we believe we need to help identify you and to help deliver the product(s) you have purchased or enquired about.

Will you pass my information to 3rd Parties?

We will not pass any of your information on to 3rd parties.

How long will keep my information?

We will keep Your Information for 6 months. This the length of time our average customer makes use of our products. We believe our customers will still wish to receive information from us regarding the products they have purchased/enquired about.

How will you process (use) my information?

We will only process your information for the purpose of delivering the product you have purchased/enquired about.

All your information is hosted on our own secure server and protected with our own SSL Certificates.

All staff users that access your information have agreed to adhere to our Data Protection guidelines as described in this policy.

All of our equipment used to access your data is in a secure office. Access is restricted to Colm Branigan and the equipment is password protected.

Where I.T. and/or support providers have access to your personal information, they too follow the guidelines as outlined in this policy.

What if I want to see what information you have?

Just ask. You can reply to any email you have received from us asking for the information we have.

We will contact you to identify you and we will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data which we keep about you, almost instantaneously online. We will provide the information without any charge.

You are able to challenge the data that we hold about you and, where appropriate, you may have the data: erased, rectified, amended or corrected.

Who are you?

Colm Branigan T/A Advanced Diving Ireland

Colm Branigan T/A Colm Branigan Driving Coach

We are based in Ireland.

Our principal activities are the delivery of driving lessons, pretest driving lessons, advanced driving lessons and driving instructor training courses.

Our privacy policy covers our web sites:

Address:71 Brookdale Lawns, Rivervalley, Swords, Co. Dublin, Rep. of Ireland.

You can contact us via our websites.

Use of ‘cookies’ and analytics

If you are a user with general public and anonymous access the Websites do not store or capture personal information, but merely logs the user’s IP address that is automatically recognised by the web server.

We do not use cookies for collecting user information and we will not collect any information about you except that required for system administration of our web server.

We may collect information about your computer, including your IP address, operating system and browser type, for system administration and in order to create reports. This is statistical data about our users’ browsing actions and patterns and does not identify any individual.

The only cookies in use on our site are for Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that helps website owners understand how visitors engage with their website. Google Analytics customers can view a variety of reports about how visitors interact with their website so that they can improve it.

Like many services, Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to track visitor interactions as in our case, where they are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We then use the information to compile reports and to help us improve our site.

Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. These cookies are used to store information, such as the time that the current visit occurred, whether the visitor has been to the site before and what site referred the visitor to the web page.

Google Analytics collects information anonymously. It reports website trends without identifying individual visitors. You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit our site – for more information on opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites you use, visit this Google page.

This privacy policy statement covers all websites governed by this Agreement. This statement does not cover links within this site to other websites; however, we have endeavoured to ensure all our partners/affiliates adhere to the EU GDPR regulations.

Providing Visitors with Anonymous Access

You can access our websites’ home pages and browse our sites without disclosing your personal data.

Automatic Collection of Information

We do not automatically log personal data nor do we link information automatically logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals.

We collect the personal data that you may volunteer while using our services.
We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organisations.

The only information we collect is for the administration of our services. This information is as follows:

First name; Surname; E-mail address; Telephone Number; Company Name (optional).
The information is not used for any purpose other than:
Contacting and distributing information to customers
Marketing and distribution of information to potential customers
We do not collect or use personal data for any purpose other than the purposes indicated above.

Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal data from children.
If it is discovered that information has been provided by anyone under the age of 16 years that information is immediately deleted.

Confidentiality / Security

All monetary transactions are conducted through a secure third-party web server (Stripe).

No card information is stored on our server.

We are PCI compliant.

Privacy Compliance

Our privacy policy is compliant with the following instrument: EU GDPR.
If you have an enquiry or concern about our privacy policy, please contact


If there is any conflict between these terms and specific terms appearing elsewhere on The Websites then the latter shall prevail.

If any of these terms are determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or unenforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from these terms and the remaining terms shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ireland and the EU GDPR.

This privacy policy was last updated on June 21st, 2020.