RoSPA Advanced Driving Test & Training

What is Advanced Driving?
This must be co-ordinated with good handling skills. The vehicle will always be at the right speed with the correct gear engaged and can always be stopped safely on its own side of the road in the distance that can be seen to be clear.
Advanced Driving is based upon The System of Car Control as detailed in Roadcraft – The Police Driver Handbook. To gain a high grade in the RoSPA Advanced Driving Test. You will require a good knowledge of the current editions of Roadcraft & The Rules of the Road.
To purchase a copy of the Roadcraft from Easons online Click Here
To purchase a copy of the Roadcraft book from Amazon online Click Here

What are the Benefits?
Advanced drivers have been proven less likely to be involved in a road traffic incident.
Improved Fuel Consumption
Advanced driving techniques teach you the most cost-effective way to drive, to keep fuel consumption to a minimum.
Insurance Discounts
Some insurance companies will offer a discount on your private motoring premium when you achieve this standard.
Less wear and tear to your vehicle
By using the ‘system of car control’ techniques, your driving will be smoother, resulting in less wear and tear.
Reduce Driver Fatigue
Advanced drivers will develop an enhanced driving style helping reduce driver fatigue.

The RoSPA Advanced Driving Test
Unlike other Advanced Driving organisations, RoSPA encourage 3 yearly re-tests, to ensure that excellent driving standards are maintained. The re-test fee is included in your RoSPA yearly subscription costs.
To apply for your RosPA Advanced Driving Initial Test Click Here
Training with Colm Branigan

Ireland's First Qualified Driving Coach
Colm Branigan is the first Irish Driving Instructor to become a Qualified Driving Coach. His coaching methods put YOU at the centre of the learning process. He will facilitate your learning in an atmosphere that is both conducive and creative, allowing you to unleash your potential. Watch the video for more information on Coaching in Driver Training.
Contact Us
Contact Us for your Advanced Driving Course now!
087 6324006
Advanced Driving Ireland
71 Brookdale Lawns
Co. Dublin
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